How MY process is different

How my process is different

By: Dr. Joe ‘BackCrack’ Cipriano

(Hi, I'm Dr. Joe 'BackCrack' Cipriano, a chiropractic physician in Greenville, SC. All of the people you see in my videos are real, actual patients. My y-strap decompression adjustments get the results people have been searching for. I'm here to help! For appointments and other information, please visit my website,, and to watch my crack-tastic videos, please visit

If you’ve ever searched for a chiropractor, then you know there are many out there to choose from. And just like any specialist, so too do different chiropractors have different processes from one another. It’s really up to you to choose which is going to work best for you. I’m not saying that my process is the only right one out there. But I am saying that, especially if you’ve watched my videos (or if I’ve ever done an adjustment for you personally), you’ll notice that my process is significantly different from most others out there, especially when it comes to massage, adjustments, and the infamous y-strap.

Certainly, using a massager in and of itself isn’t a groundbreaking procedure for chiropractors. Many capable ones have used massagers for a very long time. But if you pay close attention, you’ll notice that most of them only use a massager before an adjustment. Surely, this is a useful technique to help relax the muscles prior to adjustment work, and I’ve adopted the practice too, as you can clearly see in this video. But what about after? You won’t find too many chiropractic specialists who massage after an adjustment, but I (and my patients) have found that post-adjustment massages allow the body to hold an adjustment longer, and patients have reported to me that their relief, therefore, lasts longer too.

Speaking of adjustments, you’ve probably seen many chiropractors do only one or two adjustments on patients for their specific problem areas, and if that’s okay with those patients, then that’s fine by me. But, as you’ve probably noticed (if you’ve read this earlier blog post of mine), I look at chiropractic medicine as part of the solution for total body health, and not just one specific area. For this reason, you’ll almost always see me do a full body adjustment on every patient I see, even if they’re only complaining of a single, isolated ailment (like, for example, lower back pain). As we know, forward head posture or subluxations in the cervical spine can 100% be the cause of their low back pain. So, I go through and adjust cervical, thoracic, lumbar, hip/pelvic/sacrum, and do leg pulls and ankle adjustments, too. My technique does vary when it comes to hip/pelvic/sacrum adjustments – for example, I might do sacral drops, but not side postures, depending on the patient. (Also, patients sometimes need an upper cervical adjustment at the end to fully take all the pressure off their nerves.) But whether I’m applying these variations or not, you can always count on me for a full body adjustment, since I tend to believe that this better addresses all of the possible causes of a particular problem, instead of just a few potential ones.

Finally, I’ll generally wrap up using the y-strap and a traction/decompression of a patient’s spine. This is actually the number one reason why patients come to see me, and probably a top reason that people like watching my videos.

But, surprisingly to me, many chiropractors don’t see the y-strap’s utility as I (and my patients) do. And even fewer will employ the y-strap with a full body adjustment and pre- and post-adjustment massage. Again, this can work perfectly fine for some patients, and if it does, more power to them! But if you’re the kind of person that wants to get the full Dr. Joe BackCrack experience, with all three of these key differences, then I’ll hope to see you at my office soon, so I can offer you some lasting relief, too.

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